Day 87-9: We’re All Animals on This Leaky Ark
‘BEWARE OF PERVERTS’ (Vitalie Ciubotaru)I’ve aroused a tempest of protest. I’m shocked that the furor wasn’t motivated by my bold and succinct account of Dr. Hope-Simpson’s theses. Readers seem charmingly open-minded about that.
You’ll thus be pleased to learn that someone is sending me some old Hope-Simpson papers. Others are being kindly faxed to me by the kind folks at Epidemiology & Infection, the Cambridge University journal. I can’t wait to read and digest them.
First I must wade through a river of indignant emails about my defense of sexual freedom. I wish I could quote them at length but the exciting ones are, um, unprintable.
I’m not going to turn my blog into a debating forum about sexual aggression. I do, however, deny I’m a pervert. I’m proud not to judge other peoples’ sexuality and I’m danged if I’ll be judged for Ayn Rand’s. Some of you people should take a long look in the mirror, naked. We are all animals.
That’s why we get sick.